My Resource Search

The Idea
The Patient Advocate Foundation focused on creating a resource, which would harness the power of the National Uninsured, and Underinsured Resource Directories. The goal was to create a platform that allowed both insured and uninsured patients the ability to quickly identify the community, national and charity programs that can assist in their healthcare needs.
Focusing on patients currently experiencing a health crisis, or providers who want to guide their patients to programs that may be able to reduce their barriers to care, My Resource Search was born. This is a great example of healthcare app development.

Directory Search
Adobe PhoneGap
The Process
Before the development process began, backend software structures for the project were presented and discussed. Doing so allowed clear communication on the benefits and drawbacks of each option, along with a comparative price structures. Leveraging PhoneGap development technology allowed for a combination of price, functionality, design, and ease of update benefits across iOS and Android operating systems.
Developing and sourcing over 35 assistance categories to choose from, the app aimed to allow patients to quickly narrow resources to those that offer the exact help they needed – including options like screening services, insurance policy options, financial assistance for housing, utilities and transportation, clinical trial or medication assistance.
The project was successfully completed in two phases, spanning from initial conception to deployment, and included design, development, database integration, training, support, and coordination with app stores to facilitate the deployment.

– Kelly Alvord, Patient Advocate Foundation
The Results
The My Resource Search app offers easy one-touch access to professional case managers for individual support and solutions to healthcare barriers. The app provides direct and free access to the published tip booklets for the uninsured or underinsured patients written by expert case managers at Patient Advocate Foundation.