The Idea
mindLAMP is a neuropsychiatric research app that runs on both iOS and Android devices. Designed to help users Learn, Assess, Manage, and Prevent, LAMP is a versatile tool that can be customized for numerous clinical and research needs.
The concept for LAMP was developed by researchers that wanted to better record the symptoms of patients participating in mental health clinical trials. The app’s creators wanted to take advantage of the fact that most people own their own smart devices capable of recording and uploading data about their symptoms.

mindLAMP Key Features
Multiple Data Streams
Guided Meditation
Intuituive Dashboard
Upload Health Tips
Environmental Context
Clinical Research
The Process
With any medical software that records and transmits sensitive medical data, our team takes extensive precautions and measures to ensure users’ privacy is maintained. LAMP was no exception. We had to ensure that, no matter the underlying operating system or connection, communication between the application and the researchers was secure. To that end, we utilized connection encryption protocols that met or exceeded HIPAA requirements.
Another area that required careful consideration was the app’s UI/UX. Our designers had to ensure the interface was straightforward and accessible, in order to allow trial subjects of all backgrounds to easily use the application.
LAMP was developed in both native iOS and Android development languages, Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android. The decision to develop the application using native mobile app languages was due to the need for several integrations and complex system architecture. Native applications offer not only consistent performance but allow changes to be made to fit the users’ needs on both the iOS and Android operating systems.

What was most impressive about working with Zco?
– John Torous, Co-Director, Digital Psychiatry Program, BIDMC
The Results
After active development and quality assurance testing phases ended, the final result is an app that not only lives up to its original design but surpasses it. Originally, the application was only going to be used to monitor the mental health of those who have schizophrenia. However, the application was expanded to encompass other mental illnesses as well, including Alzheimer’s and chronic depression.
The app’s versatility, along with its well-designed and implemented interface, makes it an invaluable utility for mental health researchers. As the app continues to be adopted, its functions and features can be expanded, allowing it to keep pace with the evolving mental health field.